How Much Patience?
We must stop thinking of patience as a matter of resources, and begin thinking of it as a matter of obedience. ...
Keep ReadingWe must stop thinking of patience as a matter of resources, and begin thinking of it as a matter of obedience. ...
Keep ReadingThe bible tells us that God does not dwell in houses made by human hands (Acts 7:48, Acts 17:24-25. God dwells among his people. We are his house and are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 2:22) And yet, it was when the believers were gathered in the upper room of a house that Acts 2 says, "They were all together in one place....
Keep ReadingOne of the most shocking scenes in the bible is when Jesus entered the temple and in righteous anger turned over the tables of money changers and chased them out. Then, quoting Isaiah 56:7, he said, "My Father's house shall be a house of prayer". Later in the New Testament, we see that the church is God's new house. So what does it mean for the church to a "house of prayer...
Keep ReadingHappy Good Friday! On Good Friday, we remember the death of Jesus Christ. So again, happy Good Friday! Does that sound strange? Wasn't Good Friday the darkest day in human history? In one sense it certainly was. The greatest sins ever committed took place on that day:...
Keep ReadingThe Thursday of Holy Week was a massively important day! The breathtaking scene of the Lord Jesus humbling himself to wash the feet of his disciples; the institution of the Lord's Supper; some of the most precious words spoken by Jesus in the last supper discourse (John 14-16); the most amazing and lengthy interaction between the Father and Son in Jesus's high priestly pr...
Keep ReadingSatisfaction. We all long for it. To be satisfied is to have your desires fully gratified or filled up to the max. We all want this but often find it allusive. More often we seek to be satisfied in all the wrong places and go from one thing to the next seeking what our hearts yearn for. Money, power, entertainment, and sex (and all the offshoots of each) hold out for u...
Keep ReadingIt is hard to overemphasize the importance of consistent, focused exposure to the bible. As you start the new year, consider 10 reasons to make reading the bible uppermost in your priorities for 2016. ...
Keep ReadingJoseph goes from confused to awestruck as the angel tells him that God is coming down to save his people from their sins....
Keep ReadingWhat would it be like to have real, true, lasting peace? Your past redeemed, your present settled, and your future secure. Is it possible? It is. ...
Keep ReadingChristmas is a time to celebrate humility and grow in humility. If we're honest, humility doesn't come naturally to us. One thing is clear though. Humility is crucial for Christians. The bible has nothing kind of say about proud people. So, how do we get humility? These verses says we get humility by seeing and loving the humility of Jesus Christ at Christmas....
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