Living By Faith

This is a podcast where we look at current news and events, theology, practical issues, and a little bit of history from the perspective of the Christian’s life in Christ.

Episodes from Proverbs

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October 15, 2020

Pro Life, Idolatry, and Phillis Wheatley

Speaker: Josh DeGroote Passage: Genesis 9:6–9:6, Romans 1:21–1:25, Proverbs 6:17–6:17, Exodus 20:13–20:13

May 14, 2020

Living By Faith - Episode Six

Speaker: Josh DeGroote Topic: Biblical Justice Passage: Proverbs 20:10–20:10, Deuteronomy 11:1–11:1, 1 Corinthians 1:30–1:31

April 29, 2020

Living By Faith - Episode Four

Speaker: Josh DeGroote Topic: Image of God Passage: Genesis 1:27–1:27, Proverbs 28:1–28:1, Psalms 90:12–90:12

April 16, 2020

Living By Faith - Episode Three

Speaker: Josh DeGroote Topic: Abortion Passage: Proverbs 6:17–6:17, Deuteronomy 6:4–6:4, Titus 1:2–1:2, Titus 2:13–2:13, Acts 5:3–5:4, 2 Corinthians 13:14–13:14, Isaiah 40:8–40:8

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