A typical Sunday morning service begins with 30-35 minutes of corporate singing. You will notice that we sing both traditional hymns and more contemporary songs. Furthermore, there is a lot of freedom in the way people express their love for God and gratitude for all he has done. Some will sit quietly and meditate. Most will stand and sing. Some will raise their hands, while others will keep them at their side. You may experience times of great intimacy with the Lord, where his love and manifest presence are strongly felt, as well as moments when you are overwhelmed by his holy transcendence and awesome power. Regardless of the mood, atmosphere, and song, our aim is to glorify God by enjoying him and celebrating all he has done for us and all he is for us in Jesus.
On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. This is a time of intentional remembrance of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, accompanied by the elements of bread and juice.
Following our time of singing, much of the remaining time of the service is devoted to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We believe in the importance of expositional preaching. This kind of preaching is to passionately explain and relevantly apply the Scriptures, verse by verse, book by book. All of the sermons preached at Real Life Church are available via podcast.
At the close of our time together, we typically provide opportunity for people to receive prayer for whatever needs they may have or problems they may be facing. We believe in anointing the sick with oil and praying for both physical and emotional healing through the laying on of hands.