
His Name Shall Be Called Prince of Peace


And his name shall be called… Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

What would it be like to have real, true, lasting peace? Your past redeemed, your present settled, and your future secure. Is it possible? It is.

Shalom is the Hebrew word translated peace in the Old Testament. This is one of those words that volumes of books could be written on (and probably have been). Shalom is so rich and overflowing in its meaning; in its essence it means completeness. That’s peace.

This peace is found in Jesus Christ, who is the Prince of Peace. He totally redeems our broken, sinful, dark pasts so we don’t have to look back with anxious regret. He completely settles our present, so we can be utterly content with where God has us. He totally secures our future, so we can have confidence that it is bright beyond what we could ever imagine.

How does he do this? Well, it is found in his name – Prince of Peace.

Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. He is royalty. When the magi came from the east, they were looking for a king. They were right to do so. A King had been born – the King of all kings. And this King’s rule would establish peace.

Peace is established now in the hearts of those who bow in loving submission to him. This is what our hearts most desperately need. Sin has done a number on us. We often think the lack of peace we experience has more to do with our circumstances and other people in our lives. But the world's deficit of peace is the result of sin and alienation with God. Have you ever been in a foreign country, far from home, and felt restless and anxious to get home. Saint Augustine wisely said, “We were made for your God and our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.” So Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, came into the world to bring peace by taking away our sins, removing the hostility in our hearts toward God, and reconciling us back to God. The gospel makes the most audacious claim: the heavenly Prince of Peace came to offer this full peace freely to his enemies – by putting on a crown of thorns, being hung on a cross, and dying for them.

Furthermore, peace will fully spread to the four corners of the earth when Jesus Christ returns. He has the power to put every enemy of his peace under his feet. And in due time, he most certainly will. So your future is incredible bright with the prospects of perfect peace forever!

Peace. Completeness. It is more than just possible. It is offered to you right now, free of charge through humble, loving submission to the Prince of Peace.

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