
Archives for January 2015

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What Kind Of Hands Do We Have?

"Not only does the blood of Jesus completely atone for our sins, making us legally justified and righteous before God, but it also empowers us, through the Spirit, to serve him in holiness with our physical bodies."...

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The God Who Speaks

God has demonstrated language to be the specific means by which he reveals himself. What does this mean for us and our approach to the Bible?...

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An Introduction To Isaiah

A brief introduction to the context of the book of Isaiah; the glory of God's sovereignty displayed in the book of Isaiah; and how Isaiah points us forward to Christ. ...

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Touching the Perfect One

Is your faith in your faith or in the Faithful One? Are you trusting in your strength of trust or in the One who is eternally trustworthy? Faith in faith leads to striving, pride, and frustration. Faith in Christ leads to rest, humility, and satisfaction....

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