
Archives for March 2016

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It Is Finished

Happy Good Friday! On Good Friday, we remember the death of Jesus Christ. So again, happy Good Friday! Does that sound strange? Wasn't Good Friday the darkest day in human history? In one sense it certainly was. The greatest sins ever committed took place on that day:...

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He Did Not Pass the Cup

The Thursday of Holy Week was a massively important day! The breathtaking scene of the Lord Jesus humbling himself to wash the feet of his disciples; the institution of the Lord's Supper; some of the most precious words spoken by Jesus in the last supper discourse (John 14-16); the most amazing and lengthy interaction between the Father and Son in Jesus's high priestly pr...

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Fully Satisfied... Forever

Satisfaction. We all long for it. To be satisfied is to have your desires fully gratified or filled up to the max. We all want this but often find it allusive. More often we seek to be satisfied in all the wrong places and go from one thing to the next seeking what our hearts yearn for. Money, power, entertainment, and sex (and all the offshoots of each) hold out for u...

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