
Archives for December 2015

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Joseph goes from confused to awestruck as the angel tells him that God is coming down to save his people from their sins....

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His Name Shall Be Called Prince of Peace

What would it be like to have real, true, lasting peace? Your past redeemed, your present settled, and your future secure. Is it possible? It is. ...

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Christmas Humility

Christmas is a time to celebrate humility and grow in humility. If we're honest, humility doesn't come naturally to us. One thing is clear though. Humility is crucial for Christians. The bible has nothing kind of say about proud people. So, how do we get humility? These verses says we get humility by seeing and loving the humility of Jesus Christ at Christmas....

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Good News of Great Joy

We know the story well. Some shepherds in a field, the angel of the Lord, and the announcement of news that a baby has been born in a nearby town. But there is more to the story than we may see at first glance. ...

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