
Posts Tagged with "hope"

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Is God Doing Anything Good in Your Pain?

Nobody enjoys suffering. Well, slightly (or very) strange people may. But we all do suffer. What are we to make of it? How should we respond? Well, certainly Christians should seek relief, help, and healing from God. But that’s not it; we should trust that God is doing something good smack dab in the middle of it. You may not like to hear that, but it is true and ...

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The Dawning of Eternal Hope - An Advent Poem

When all seems lost, dear saint of God Recall the treasured news Of how God broke into the world To walk within our shoes When Adam fell both sin and death Covered the world like night Yet in the garden, God promised a Man Who would come and put things right For so long the world yearned and craved God's pledge to crush the snake While His hidden plan rolled along Go...

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Hope! God Is The Ruler Yet

As we look on the world scene, there are some scary political figures. What if Vladimir Putin tries to rebuild the old Soviet coalition? What if Kim Jung Un gets a nuclear weapon? In our own country, we are rightly concerned with the upcoming elections. What if Clinton wins? What if Trump wins? What will this mean for our country? What will it mean for Christians? Will we ...

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